Monday, August 27, 2007

Hello my Divalicious friends, I just wanted to say that I love ya'll and if it weren't for my scrapbook friends I would be CRAZY allready. I am so ready for Trace Creek and my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well it is monday morning and my little chickee chuuus are laying down for their little naps and I am going to (hopefully) take a shower. LOVE ya'll and see ya at coffee and conversation on friday if not before........Joanna

Friday, August 17, 2007

the Diva Blog...

Welcome to our new blog!

This group blog was my brain child several months ago but the summer got busy and I am just now getting us all set up. Hopefully now we will each have a bit of time to contribute something to our blog.

I would like to introduce you to the girls. I am sure you will get to know them and their style of scrapbooking/creating very soon.

Cindy and Janeane are our retired grandma's/Mom's. Leigh-Anne is a teacher and Mom of two. Melissa is a web designer (?) and Mom of one lovely little girl. Joanna has ventured into Home Daycare and is a Mom to 3 beautiful girls. Holly is a Nurse Practioner and Mom of two boys (soon to be three!). I (Tracy) have been a Home Daycare Provider for quite some time now and I am a Mom/Grandma (2 boys, 2 young men, 1 young lady, and one grandson).


I will have the girls add more details on their own later...